ACTIVE Event Details
Product Brief is an activity management and ticketing website that has 9 million unique visitors a month.
The Problem
The event details page has a loss of focus. Due to the previous initiative to prioritize activity signups, Advantage membership conversions decreased dramatically as a result and signups did not increase enough. This is a problem because Active makes a large portion of their revenue from Advantage membership and event sign ups.
The Goal
Optimize event registrations while increasing visibility and value proposition of becoming an ACTIVE Advantage member.
Created information architecture, wireframing, and visual design.
Flowmapp, Sketch, InVision
Discover the root problem and the user
To make sure I was addressing the right problems I began by analyzing existing page analytics data. Then I met with stakeholders within the company, reviewed client feedback from organizers who list their events on, customers who sign up for events, and reviewed the UX researcher’s user research from their surveys and user interviews.
Key Findings
- Dull visual design does not favor events
- ACTIVE Advantage membership conversions suffer due to poor visibility
- Too much clutter with too many options and no clear hierarchy
Researched competitors in the event management and ticketing market as well as booking sites that displayed great usability to increase registration conversions.
With the problem identified, I began sketching solutions which progressed into low fidelity wireframes in order to share with stakeholders to ensure I was on the right track.
The following screen displays the new event details page along with the responsive mobile screen. Making registering for events a better experience is the main goal while also cross selling the Advantage membership.
Project Learnings
Things I learned from this project:
- Less is always more when trying to increase conversion rates. Keep it simple.
- The key to a successful cross sale is giving users an immediate value to what they’re already doing.